Role in SADC: Page 2 of 2

also recognises the important financing role of DFIs in the African continent and the need to work through existing institutions like the Network and its members to achieve Africa’s development challenges. Like SADC, NEPAD also focuses attention on capacity building and policy analysis and support as a critical development driver.  Similar to NEPAD, the DFRC provides support for this focus which aims to build capacities and develop strategies to strengthen the financial sector.

The AU’s constitutive instruments identify the critical role of regional organisation's and of development finance in harnessing Africa's potential. It targets capacity building, as one of the critical areas for achieving much needed economic growth and development. The AU's goals are, therefore, supportive of and have much in common with those of SADC, and have been embraced by the SADC DFI Network and its membership.

As a building block of the AU, SADC plays a key role in achieving the continental long-term goals of the union, and in this respect, as an institution of SADC, the DFI Network and its DFRC  is a critical contributor.