Capacity Building

The overall approach under this programme is to develop on-the-job capacity building interventions and other training programmes directed at institutional effectiveness and enhancement of the skills base of the DFI Network members. To this end, the DFRC uses secondment's, technical assistance, workshops and seminars, placements on external training programmes, and other ad hoc interventions.

Through these interventions, the DFRC supports the strategic and organisational processes and systems of the DFIs, as well as develop and enhance skills of their staff in core functional areas. Ultimately, the aim of the capacity building programme is to achieve institutional strengthening and operational effectiveness of the DFIs, while supporting financial sector strengthening and reform in the SADC region.

Most of these programmes will focus on areas related to Infrastructure, Industrial, Agriculture and Public-Private Partnerships as well as Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Development.


Staff from DFIs are attached to other DFIs in the region, international institutions and private sector organisation's for durations ranging from one month to one year to undergo on-the-job skills development in specialised areas.

Technical Assistance

This involves short-term technical missions of technical experts from specialized DFIs, international organizations or centre's of excellence to other DFIs with a view to addressing a specific technical problem, or to implement a specialized project.


These are short instruction programmes lasting a few days to several weeks for high level exchange of knowledge and building of practical skills and best practice training. These programmes include those run by the DFRC and those mounted by or in collaboration with strategic partner organisations.

  • DFRC's Training Programmes
    The DFRC organizes seminars and workshops in collaboration with technical and specialized partners where it does not have in-house skills of its own, to which DFIs will be expected to subscribe.
  • Placements
    The DFRC identifies relevant training offered by other training institutions, including other DFIs, and will facilitate placement of DFI staff on these programmes.

Ad-Hoc Interventions

The DFRC also stands ready to accommodate specific capacity building/ technical assistance requests from the DFIs.