Frequently Asked Questions

The DFRC was established principally to support SADC Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) to be more efficient agents of development in line with their mandates, through:

  • Capacity building to meet critical training and staff development needs of DFIs;
  • Policy research and advisory services: to improve the policy, institutional and regulatory environment of DFIs in line with best practices; institutional strengthening through adoption of good corporate governance practices; improve the investment environment; and capital markets deepening for efficient resource mobilisation toward growth-enabling sectors.
  • Supporting sub-regional cooperation and the achievement of regional integration through, inter alia, the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP);
  • Advisory services to SADC governments and to DFIs on development finance;
  • Providing a platform for information, knowledge and experience sharing on development finance matters and adoption of best practices; and

The DFRC is, therefore, a critical institution for supporting the development of the financial sector and regional development.

The SADC-DFRC is an autonomous SADC institution established under the SADC principle of subsidiarity. It is collectively ‘owned’ by the SADC-DFIs Network as its ‘self-help’ organization. Only the forty (40) SADC DFIs who are signatory to Memorandum of Understanding of May 2000 are members of the Network.

Through technical and capacity building support, as well as policy research and advisory services, the DFRC’s mandate is to promote the effective mobilization of resources by the financial sector, in particular the DFIs, for investment in key areas with the potential to stimulate growth, generate employment and alleviate poverty, in line with the objectives of SADC under the RISDP (2020 -2030).

The DFRC is a lean organization manned by a small highly qualified group of staff. Cognisant of this and to achieve its mandate, it has adopted a collaborative approach which involves utilization of strategic partners in all its areas of strategic focus. The DFRC, thus, will primarily operate as facilitator, coordinator and catalyst to the DFI Network and member states governments.

The DFRC has identified the following areas as focal sectors:

  • Industrial, encompassing SMME development and support; and
  • Infrastructure/ PPP delivery.

These areas were selected due to their centrality in the achievement of the regional goals of sustainable and inclusive economic growth, employment creation and poverty alleviation as espoused under the SADC RISDP and as supported by NEPAD and the African Union (AU) Vision 2063.

DFRC’s objectives encompass the following:

  • Develop a competent skills base for DFIs with capacity to develop projects to bankability;
  • Enhance DFI capacity to mobilise domestic and external capital for projects;
  • Improve DFIs creditworthiness;
  • Institutional strengthening of DFIs through adoption of best practice corporate governance, financial prudence and regulation;
  • Establish a data and information hub for development finance; and
  • Advisory services to Governments towards improved investment (including cross-border) and regulatory environment for DFIs.

Overall objective is to be ‘a centre of excellence for development finance solutions’.  


Banco de Poupanca e Credito

Banco de Desenvolvimento de Angola

Banco Sol



Botswana Development Corporation

Botswana Housing Corporation

Botswana Investment and Trade Centre

Botswana Savings Bank

Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency

Local Enterprise Authority

National Development Bank

Norsad Capital




Societe Financiere De Development (SOFIDE)

Fonds de Promotion de l'Industrie



Basotho Enterprises Development Corporation

Lesotho National Development Corporation



SOciété NAtionale de PARticipations – SONAPAR



Export Development Fund

NBM Development Bank Ltd



Development Bank of Mauritius



Banco Nacional de Investimento

GAPI - Sociedade de Investimentos, SA



Agricultural Bank of Namibia

Development Bank of Namibia

Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia

National Housing Enterprise



Development Bank of Seychelles



Development Bank of Southern Africa

Industrial Development Corporation

Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa



Eswatini Development and Savings Bank

Eswatini Development Finance Corporation

Industrial Development Company of Eswatini

Eswatini National Industrial Development Corporation

Eswatini Housing Board



National Development Corporation

TIB Development Bank

Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank



Development Bank of Zambia



AFC Holdings

Industrial Development Corporation Limited

Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe

Small and Medium Enterprises Development Corporation

The SADC Committee of Ministers responsible for Finance and Investment (COMFI) is a permanent committee of the Integrated Committee of Ministers (ICM) which reports through to the SADC Council of Ministers. COMFI is supported by the Senior Treasury Officials and the Committee of Central Bank Governors.

The DFI Subcommittee, which is comprised of all national DFIs in SADC member countries, is a subcommittee of the Senior Treasury Officials of SADC, and reports through them to COMFI.

The DFIs, through the DFRC, enjoy a functional relationship with the SADC Secretariat. Their main interface is through the Directorate for Finance, Investment and Customs (TIC). However, operational links also exist between the DFRC and the Trade and Industry, Infrastructure and Services and Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Directorates.

While all members of the Network are members of the DFI Subcommittee, not all DFIs represented on the Subcommittee are members of the Network. The Network is comprised of those DFIs that have signed the May 2000 MOU, which establishes it as an institutional mechanism of SADC.


DFRC Stakeholders encompass the following:
SADC DFI Network Members
SADC Secretariat and Structures
SADC Members States
Technical Partners such as AADFI and AfDB
Regional Economic Communities 
Financial Regulatory Authorities
International Cooperating Partners/Donors
Universities and Research Organisations

No, the DFRC does not offer loans. It is not a financial institution but a vehicle for supporting SADC Development Finance Institutions through facilitating policy research, advisory and capacity building services.

P. Bag 0034 Gaborone, Botswana

Tel: (+267) 319 1146
Fax: (+267) 319 1147


Plot 54352

West Avenue, Zambezi Towers, CBD

Tower A, 7th Floor South Wing

