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Gaborone, Botswana
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The forum focussed on the theme "Challenges of Financing Agriculture in the SADC Region – A DFI Perspective ”.
The objective of the forum was to examine the distinctive challenges relating to the financing of agricultural projects through the value chains with a view to arriving at policy and institutional level interventions to stimulate growth of the agricultural sector.
The agricultural sector is a significant sector in the SADC economy, and was prioritised under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the African Union Vision 2063 and the SADC Plan of Action as a major development goal. It is imperative therefore that DFIs, alongside other financial institutions and development stakeholders, define how they can contribute to the growth of this sector.
Mr Martin Muchero, SADC Agricultural Policy and Investment and Role of DFIs , SADC
Ms Loyiso Ndlovu, Keynote Address , RSA
Mr Elfas Chimbera, Agricultural Financing in Zimbabwe
The forum focused on theme “Financial Inclusion in SADC - The Role of DFIs” . The role of development finance institutions as critical drivers of the implementation of the SADC Financial Inclusion Strategy is well recognised.
In this regard, the objectives of the forum were to explore the status of financial inclusion in the SADC region, and the policy initiatives at national and regional level, put in place to foster these developments.
The Forum examined case studies of experiences and practices from the SADC region, and also drew on the research carried out in this field. In particular, the Forum looked at the role that DFIs have played in this process, and the specific policy initiatives that can be put in place to foster their enhanced contribution to this process.
The programme also looked at the SADC policy and action plan on financial inclusion, and the role of the DFI Network and the DFRC in it.
Ms. Thembi Langa, Keynote presentation: Regional Strategy and Implementation of Financial Inclusion - SADC;
Mr. David M Myeni, Financial Inclusion Policy in Swaziland - Swaziland;
Mr. Mike Nyamazana, Financial Inclusion in Zimbabwe - Zimbabwe;
Mr. Sam Shongwe, Alternative Financial Service Providers - Swaziland;
Dr. Kingstone Mutsonziwa, Research and Information for financial inclusion - South Africa;
Dr. Herrick Mpuku, Role of DFI Network in Financial Inclusion - SADC.
The forum focused on the theme, “Towards Industrialisation for Sustainable and Inclusive Development - Role of DFIs in SADC”. This is in recognition of the prioritisation of industrialisation by SADC Heads of State as a key element towards the achievement of sustainable economic growth and development in the SADC region and enhancing the welfare of its peoples. The successful implementation of the regional industrialisation strategy will require massive investment across various industrial sectors. In this regard, financial institutions, and specifically DFIs, in tandem with the private sector, will play a critical role in mobilising the requisite financial resources.
The forum explored the role and experiences of national DFIs in supporting industrial development, inclusive of the small and medium enterprises sector (SMEs), and the successes and challenges that they have encountered. Given the adoption, both at regional and national levels of industrialisation as an economic growth enabler, it was imperative that DFIs play their mandated role specifically the mobilising of financial resources, and targeting these at key growth sectors to ensure the achievement of national and regional development goals.
The debate at forum shed light on the challenges and effective strategies of how the DFIs can help catalyse industrial growth in the SADC region.