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and Achieving Goals (NDB Perspective)
Mr. David Jarvis, Explicit and Implicit Mandates for DFIs - Balancing and Achieving Goals (DBSA Perspective)
Mr. Patrick Chisanga, The Role Of The CEO - Corporate Governance and Prudential Standards - Are They a Pain or a Panacea?
Mr. Peter Noni (Mr. Julius Mukoji, Corporate Governance and Prudential Standards: A pain or panacea?
Amb. Leonard Iipumbu, Operation force field for CEOs - Leads for re-thinking the role admist overload of expectations (Overview)
Mr. Dumisani Msibi, Operating Force-field for CEO's – Leads for re-thinking the role amidst overload of expectations (The FINCORP Perspective)
5th CEOs' Forum, Decemeber 2012, Walvis Bay, Namibia
Hon. Saara Kuugongelwa- Amadhila, Speech at Officially opening of CEO's Forum
Mr. Stuart Kufeni, Resource Mobilisation Challenges of the Development Finance Institutions
Dr. Herrick Mpuku, Foundations of Prudential Standards, Guidelines and Rating System (PSGRS) and its Applications to the Development Finance Institutions
Mr. Tshepo Ntsimane, Credit Rating and Resource Mobilisation for Development Finance Institutions
Mr. Martin Inkumbi, Prudential Standards (PSGRS) and its Application to Development Finance Institutions
Mr. Stanley Matsebula, Prudential Standards (PSGRS) and Resource Mobilisation for Development Finance Institutions
Mr. Dumisani Msibi, Prudential Standards (PSGRS) and Capacity Building for Development Finance Institutions (Not presented)
Mr. Charl Kocks, A Comprehensive Analysis of the PSGRS and International Credit Rating Assessment of Development Finance Institutions
Mr. Tetsuya Fukunaga, Progress on DBSA-JICA’s Africa-Asia DFI Networking
Capacity Building Review Conference, August 2012, Johannesburg, South Africa
Mr. Stuart Kufeni, “The Changing SADC Development Finance System and the Role of DFIs”, Presentation to SADC-DFRC Capacity Building Review Workshop
Mr. Pillay Kogan, The SADC Public PPP Network, Presentation to the Capacity Building Review Workshop