Plot 54352, West Avenue,
Zambezi Towers, Tower A,
7th Floor, South Wing,
Private Bag 0034
Gaborone, Botswana
Tel: (267) 3191146
Fax: (267) 3191147
Mr Rian CoetzeeActing Divisional Executive: Mining, Metals, Infrastructure and Energy |
Mr Francis MachekaGroup Chief Executive Officer |
Mr Sadwick MtonakuthaDirector: Finance, Investment and Customs (FIC) Directorate |
Ms Ogone MadisaChief Executive Officer |
Dr Raphael KaruaiheChief Executive Officer Chairperson of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee |
Mr Mduduzi DlaminiChief Executive Officer Deputy Board Chair
Mr Frank NyabundegeManaging Director |