The Human Resources community within the Southern African Development Community Development Finance Institutions (SADC DFI) Network convenes annually to address essential issues related to capacity building. During these meetings, participants review the advancements made in implementing capacity building plans throughout the previous financial year and identify key focus areas for the upcoming year.
This year participants met on 26th – 27th November in Mbombela, South Africa. They reached a consensus to establish a Capacity Building Working Group (WG), which will primarily consist of Human Resources executives from member DFIs. This new working group will hold an equivalent status to existing sectoral working groups, such as those focused on Industry, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and Resource Mobilization. Furthermore, the Capacity Building WG will provide reports to the SADC DFI Network during the bi-annual meetings. The creation of the Capacity Building WG acknowledges the interconnected nature of its activities, which encompass skills development and institutional strengthening.
The upcoming SADC DFI Network Meetings will serve as the platform for launching the Capacity Building Working Group and for presenting its inaugural report alongside those from other sectoral working groups. This involvement significantly enhanced the contributions toward the development of a robust capacity building plan for the subsequent year, which will be accessible on our website and social media channels.
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