The DFRC was established principally to support SADC Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) to be more efficient agents of development in line with their mandates, through:
- Capacity building to meet critical training and staff development needs of DFIs;
- Policy research and advisory services: to improve the policy, institutional and regulatory environment of DFIs in line with best practices; institutional strengthening through adoption of good corporate governance practices; improve the investment environment; and capital markets deepening for efficient resource mobilisation toward growth-enabling sectors.
- Supporting sub-regional cooperation and the achievement of regional integration through, inter alia, the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP);
- Advisory services to SADC governments and to DFIs on development finance;
- Providing a platform for information, knowledge and experience sharing on development finance matters and adoption of best practices; and
The DFRC is, therefore, a critical institution for supporting the development of the financial sector and regional development.