Plot 54352, West Avenue,
Zambezi Towers, Tower A,
7th Floor, South Wing,
Private Bag 0034
Gaborone, Botswana
Tel: (267) 3191146
Fax: (267) 3191147
The SADC-DFRC is an autonomous SADC institution established under the SADC principle of subsidiarity. It is collectively ‘owned’ by the SADC-DFIs Network as its ‘self-help’ organization. Only the forty (40) SADC DFIs who are signatory to Memorandum of Understanding of May 2000 are members of the Network.
Through technical and capacity building support, as well as policy research and advisory services, the DFRC’s mandate is to promote the effective mobilization of resources by the financial sector, in particular the DFIs, for investment in key areas with the potential to stimulate growth, generate employment and alleviate poverty, in line with the objectives of SADC under the RISDP (2020 -2030).