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successfully established the SADC Public Private Partnership Network in 2011 which has to date conducted various PPP skills development programmes for SADC Governments in addition to promoting public-private dialogue. It has recently also developed the SADC PPP Policy Framework which was adopted by Ministers of Finance and Investment at their recent meeting in Maputo this year.
On the advisory services front, the DFRC has assisted DFIs in restructuring their operations and has also conducted studies and workshops towards improving the policy and regulatory environment for development finance in member countries and the region as a whole. The DFRC has also rendered technical advice and actively participated in the discussions on the establishment of the SADC Project Preparation and Development Facility (PPDF) SADC Regional Development Fund (RDF) whose establishment is now at an advanced stage.
This celebration coincided with the bi-annual meeting of the SADC DFI Network and the DFI Chief Executives Officers’ Forum which will be held the same day. The event was attended by Government Officials, Chief Executive Officers of Development Finance Institutions and Commercial Banks, SADC Governments Ambassadors, International Cooperating Partners, other development finance stakeholders among others. Read More.
Mr. Charles Chikaura, current Board Chairman of the SADC-DFRC reiterated the commitment of the SADC DFI Network to the work of the DFRC, and as an integral part of the SADC programme of action on regional integration. Read More.
The Chairman of the SADC DFI Network, Ambassador Leonard Iipumbu, also emphasised on the evolving and anticipated linkages between the national development finance institutions, and the emerging regional development finance structures. Read More.