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The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SADC – Development Finance Resource Centre (DFRC), Mr Stuart Kufeni has said that capacity building programmes are vital for the African region as they enhance our knowledge and understanding of the key issues in our environment. "He said that the DFRC would continue working with strategic and technical partners in strengthening DFIs in general , but also in the field of energy and PPPs. He urged the DFIs to come up with innovative ways of financing the energy sector given the challenges of energy provisions in the region. He said this in his Closing Speech at the Renewable Energy workshop" .
The workshop was held on 5th – 9th March 2012 at Protea Midrand Hotel in South Africa, and was organised by Southern African Development Community – Development Finance Resource Centre (SADC – DFRC), African Association of Development Finance Institutions (AADFI) , Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and African Development Institute (ADI) at the African Development Bank.
The objectives of the workshop were to
Review the challenges facing attempts to develop green economies in Africa
Identify renewable energy projects that could address the energy needs in Africa and
Propose financing mechanisms and solutions
There were 61 participants in attendance from various African countries, including nine from the SADC DFI Network. Nineteen (17) countries were represented and they were Angola, Lesotho, Swaziland, South Africa, Tanzania, Egypt, Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, Seychelles, Sudan and Togo.
The programme was chaired by Professor Lloyd Chingambo, and facilitated by Mr Youssef Arfaoui, an energy specialist. They were supported by energy specialists from the Development Bank of Southern Africa.
Some of the main topics covered were Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Hydroelectric energy, Geo thermal Energy and Biomass.
Facilitators urged DFIs to consider providing finance to businesses whose interest