DFRC attends OECD PPP Training in Zambia

The Programmes Manager Dr Herrick Mpuku attended a one week training programme on Public Private Partnerships organised for Government of Zambia by the  Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development in collaboration with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and held at the Fairmount Hotel in Livingstone, Zambia on 19th -24th March 2012


The goal of the training course was to give government officials the skills they need to undertake infrastructure projects, from inception to termination, and empower them with the knowledge to develop and implement policies that strengthen the environment for infrastructure PPPs in their countries. 


The course was aimed at professionals who have some experience with infrastructure projects and wish to improve their knowledge and decision-making capacity to enact policies related to PPPs. The resource persons included experts from the National Treasury of South Africa and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the African Development Bank.


Dr Mpuku presented a briefing to the workshop on the status of the networking on PPPs in the SADC region and the development of a SADC PPP Capacity Development Strategy network in a paper on SADC PPP Current Status and Prospects . In this paper, he outlined the milestones to the establishment of the SADC PPP Network, and the anticipated positive impact for member states, private sector and PPP practitioners in the region.