Plot 54352, West Avenue,
Zambezi Towers, Tower A,
7th Floor, South Wing,
Private Bag 0034
Gaborone, Botswana
Tel: (267) 3191146
Fax: (267) 3191147
The SADC DFRC Chief Executive Officer Mr. Stuart Kufeni has stated that building good customer relations within the DFI sector is crucial not only to sustaining customer loyalty and strengthening the financial performance of the DFIs, but also enhances public credibility, confidence and respect from stakeholders. Speaking at the Certificate Presentation and closing of the Customer Relations Workshop held by the SADC DFRC at Lansmore Hotel in Gaborone in Botswana on 3rd to 5th October 2012, Mr. Kufeni indicated that as public institutions and agents in the development agenda, this enabled the DFIs to engender public support for their activities. In addition, the in-roads being made by private sector financiers in the development finance space made it crucial for the DFIs to enhance their customer relations.
The workshop was officially opened by Ms. Lorato Morapedi, Chief Executive Officer of the National Development Bank of Botswana on 3rd October. Ms Morapedi had emphasized the need to be passionate about customer service, as securing the loyalty and support of the customers was crucial to the success of organisations in a rapidly changing and competitive world.
The three-day workshop was attended by 28 participants from Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Swaziland and Tanzania, and was facilitated by Mr. Sid Cohn, an expert in customer relations at the University of Witwatersand in South Africa. The practical training programme was preceded by a customer enquiry project, which aimed at identifying the customer relations experience of selected DFIs, as a basis for informing the design and focus of the training. Read More.