In line with its stakeholder engagement strategy, the DFRC continues to establish strategic partnerships with DFIs, academic institutions and other relevant entities. The DFRC collaborated with the following:
Good Governance Academy
The DFRC signed a “Letter of Interest” with the South Africa - based Good Governance Academy (GGA). The DFRC’s relationship with the GGA will bring about substantial benefit to the SADC DFI Network Members by participating in various GGA events. The GGA also has a pool of Corporate Governance experts which the DFRC could tap into for facilitation of programmes currently offered as well as speak at some of the Network’s Forums and many of these experts provide such services pro bono.
Association of African Development Finance Institutions in Asia and Pacific
A webinar was held on 26th August 2020 on the theme "Financial Disruptions of COVID-19 on Financial Institutions: A Dialogue on How to Traverse the Road to a Better Normal”
The objective was to identify the numerous risk management challenges faced by the financial institutions arising from the pandemic and share best practices that would put them on even keel towards the road to a better normal.
African Centre for Development Finance of the University of Stellenbosch Business School
The Webinar was held on 26th August, 2020 on the Inaugural Development Finance Forum on Re-imagining the Role of Development Finance Institutions in Public Policy: Lessons from COVID-19.
Discussions covered the role of DFIs in view of the deleterious effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and solutions were proposed on capacity building, funding and non-funding interventions as well as the fact that DFIs should re-orient themselves to deal with challenges posed by the pandemic. The Webinar was hosted by the African Centre for Development Finance of the University of Stellenbosch Business School which is a partner institution of the DFRC for programme delivery.
Russian State Development Corporation
At the