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The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) working in collaboration with the SADC Development Finance Resource Centre convened the first workshop on development finance for SADC DFIs in Tokyo, Japan on 15th – 25th April 2013 under JICA’s technical assistance to the SADC DFIs.
The workshop was aimed at enhancing the human and institutional capacity of SADC development finance institutions in financing and supporting infrastructure projects by providing a forum for the exchange of news and experiences between senior executives of selected infrastructure - related SADC Development Finance Institutions on the one hand, and experts from infrastructure DFIs, government and academia in Japan and Asia on the other.
The workshop follows a diagnostic study undertaken by the Japan Economic Research Institute (JERI) of Development Bank of Namibia (DBN), Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ), Tanzania Investment and Development Bank (TIB) and the National Development Corporation (NDC-Tanzania) between November 2012 and February 2013. JERI had developed the workshop programme based on their assessments of the likely areas of interest to the SADC DFIs.
The workshop was opened by the Deputy Director General for the Africa Division of JICA, Mr. Otake Tomoharu, who provided a historical background to JICA development assistance to developing countries. He also indicated some of the facilities and services that JICA intended to provide in the future to African countries.
The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Tsutomu Shibata, the Chief Consultant at JERI and Mr. Eishi Yasunaga, Vice President of JERI.
The major areas covered included:
The resource persons were senior