South Africa has considerable experience in establishing successful PPPs, with a sound regulatory framework in place to ensure transparency, manage risk and secure returns for private investors. The discipline and rigorous planning associated with PPPs has benefited the procurement of the largest public-sector infrastructure projects in the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme and of rolling stock for the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa.
The National Treasury has partnered with local and international development finance institutions to explore alternative and diverse infrastructure funding options to encourage private- sector participation. Government has also recently introduced a facility for large and strategic infrastructure projects, which will encourage the use of hybrid financial solutions comprising a combination of grants, debt and equity sources from public and private institutions, and concessional loans from multilateral development banks. Through this facility, government will grow a pipeline of infrastructure projects in which private companies can invest.
The National Treasury acknowledges that, in order to build a credible pipeline of PPP projects, government must be able to effectively manage and implement such projects. The pipeline signals government’s intentions to the private sector so that companies can plan their investments over the long term and be assured of an appropriate return on that investment. To bridge the skills and capacity gap, the Government Technical Advisory Centre conducts free quarterly PPP training (see .