SADC CEOs recognise the importance of SMEs in the SADC Industrialization Strategy

The Chief Executive Officers for SADC DFIs attended a forum on “SMEs underpinning the SADC Industrialization Strategy” on 5th December 2019 in Luanda, Angola. While SMEs were recognised as playing a vital role in the development and growth of economies and specifically in the SADC region, it was imperative for DFIs to realise challenges they faced in participating in the industrialisation strategy. The forum presented a platform for DFIs to discuss common issues that impede on their role in developing and assisting the SMEs, and their contribution in the implementation of industrialisation within the SADC region. 
The Forum was chaired by Dr Mario Eglicenio Baptista do Nascimento, Chief Executive Officer, Banco Sol, while presenters included Mr Tetsuya Fukunaga, JICA Advisor – Development Finance, who shared on Malaysia's Policies and Institutions for Promotion of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
Other speakers included Mr Kenny Nwosu, Chief Executive Officer, Norsad Finance Limited; Ms Heike Scholtz, Head: Business Strategy at the Development Bank of Namibia; Ms Lorato Morapedi, Chief Executive Officer, National Development Bank, Botswana and Ms Gladys Kanyongo, Chief Executive Officer, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Corporation, Zimbabwe.
The forum was attended by 71 Chief Executive Officers, Senior officials, SADC Governments and other key players in the financial sector.