Chief Executives of SADC Development Finance Institutions convened a virtual forum on “Post COVID-19 Investment Challenges for Development Finance Institutions” on 9th July, 2020.
The Forum addressed how DFIs were adapting to the investment challenges resulting from the widespread and far reaching socio – economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic characterised by declining growth, rising levels of unemployment and health – related adverse effects and more importantly, how DFIs would operate in the post – COVID-19 period as the global economy settles into a “new normal”.
At the forum, DFIs agreed that there was a need for harmonization of measures to combat the the negative effects of the pandemic at regional level, and and as a sector to also adopt a more coordinated and collaborative approach to ensure DFIs remain relevant as key agents in the development finance space.
The forum was attended by sixty-eight (68) Chief Executives and senior executives as well as representatives of multilateral development finance institutions and strategic and development partners. Mr Sakaria Nghikembua, Chief Executive Officer for Agribank Namibia, chaired the forum.