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A delegation of senior staff of development finance institutions from the SADC DFI Network attended a meeting with the Japan Association of Corporate Executives (Keizai Doyukai) at the Industry Club of Japan in Tokyo, Japan on 15th April 2013.
The purpose of this meeting was to exchange views on opportunities for trade and investment in Southern Africa and the potential role that Japanese government could play in Africa through the TICAD V framework scheduled for June 2013.
The SADC DFI delegation comprised Dr Herrick Mpuku, Programmes Manager, SADC DFRC, Mr. Alex Machimbrike, Director of Infrastructure Projects at Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe, Mr. Fidelis Ngorora, Director Public Sector Investments , Ministry of Finance, Zimbabwe, Mr. Renier Van Rooyen Chief Financial Officer, Development Bank of Namibia, Mr. Martin Ashikoto, Deputy Director, Ministry of Finance, Namibia, Mr. Goodwill Wanga, Director of Research at National Development Corporation, and Mr. Jaffer Machano Director of Strategic Planning, Tanzania Investment Bank.
Dr Mpuku briefed the meeting the background to the SADC DFI Network and its objectives of contributing to regional integration and economic development of SADC through cooperation and collaboration in development finance. He highlighted the ongoing developments in SADC development finance architecture such as the SADC Project Preparation and Development Fund (PPDF) and the proposed Regional Development Fund (RDF).
He also indicated that the SADC Regional Infrastructure Master Plan had just been completed, and would provide guidance to investors on regional infrastructure projects in transportation, energy, ICT, among others.
He also pointed out that the SADC regional economy had performed reasonably well despite the adverse events of the global economic crisis, and was likely to grow much faster as the world economy moved out of recession.
The representatives from the DFIs also gave an account of the experiences and expectations