SADC DFI Network Meeting Held in Botswana, June 2012

THE SADC DFI Network convened the first of its biennial meetings for 2012 at the Northern Botswana tourist town of Kasane at Mowana Lodge.


With representation from Chief Executive Officers of its member SADC DFIs, the meeting was held to review the performance of the Network as a whole, and the capacity building and policy research services provided by the SADC DFRC, and to plan the way ahead.


The meeting was advised that Ernst and Young had completed the audit of the financial statements for 2011/12, and the Board had, at its meeting of 6th June 2012, approved the unqualified audited statement. It was the opinion of the auditors, based on the financial statements that the DFRC had the ability to continue as a going concern.


The meeting also took note of the approved budget for the DFRC for 2012/13 financial year.


Among the issues of significance raised included the debate on the strategic direction to be taken by the DFRC, and its repositioning as a repository of knowledge and advisor to the SADC governments on matters of development finance, particularly in the emerging development finance architecture.


The deliberations on this matter concluded as follows:


  1. That the DFRC should promote credit rating of DFI, with the support of AADFI prudential standards and guidelines rating system, as a mechanism to facilitate access to external financial resources;
  2. That an environmental scan be undertaken to ascertain the current status and challenges that the DFIs are facing;
  3. That an investigation be undertaken into the operational modalities, structures and capacity of regional development funds vis-a vis the regional development banks around the world with a view to developing a SADC DFI network position on a regional development finance system.

The Secretariat was requested to identify possible resources to finance these activities.


On networking of DFIs, it was agreed to encourage country networks amongst the DFIs to promote consultation on matters of common interest,