The SADC DFI Network signs MoU with ADFIAP



The SADC DFI Network and the Association of Development Finance Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in a bid to strengthen the relationship between the two institutions. The MOU was signed by the Chief Executive Officer of the DFRC, Mr Stuart Kufeni, and the Secretary General of ADFIAP, Mr Octavio Peralta, at the 1st Joint CEO’s Forum of AADFI and ADFIAP held on 17th November 2012 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Chairs of the SADC DFI Network and ADFIAP, Messrs Francisco A Souto and Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad, respectively witnessed the signing. 


The MoU foresees enhanced cooperation and collaboration between the SADC DFI Network and the ADFIAP in capacity building and staff exchanges in the foreseeable future.