As part of its efforts to reinforce adherence to the COVID-19 pandemic protocols in the workplace, and in line with adaptation to the “new normal”, the SADC-DFRC trained two Health and Safety Officers (SHE) representatives on “Occupational Health and Safety” from 13th – 17th July 2020. The training was conducted by the University of Botswana and was attended by employees dealing with health issues in the work place from various institutions.
In line with the World Health Organisation COVID-19 rules, the SADC DFRC also practices safe measures to reduce the spread of the Corona Virus. These include daily screening and registration of both staff and visitors - recording of body temperatures and ensuring social distancing as well as wearing of masks in the office. The registration is in compliance with the Botswana Government COVID protocols for purposes of contact tracing in the event of positive test results. Further to this, there is frequent disinfection of surfaces such as door locks, tables, and the office on the whole.
The DFRC also continues to provide a platform through forums for DFIs to share information and experiences on how best to work together and to assist governments’ efforts to ameliorate the negative impacts of the pandemic while pursuing their developmental goals to increase employment, reduce poverty and contribute towards sustainable and inclusive economic growth.