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7th Floor, South Wing,
Private Bag 0034
Gaborone, Botswana
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The SADC Development Finance Resource Centre in collaboration with the Zimbabwean cluster of development finance institutions has launched the Zimbabwe Development Finance School (ZDFS) in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The launch took place at Rainbow Towers Hotel on 7th October 2013. The ZDFS is a series of executive development programmes in development finance targeted at Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and the private sector. The school is a virtual programme under which various programmes will be offered in line with the requirements of local DFIs and other stakeholders.
The programmes being offered this year include Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis, Financial Modelling and Due Diligence, and will include attendances from the local DFIs, SOEs, private sector as well as the SADC-DFI Network members from outside Zimbabwe.
The launch of the programme was graced by Mr. Justin Mupamhanga, Deputy Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, and was attended by Mr. Charles Chikaura, Chairman of the DFRC Board of Trustees and Chief Executive Officer of the Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe, Mr. Mike Ndudzo, Chief Executive Officer of Industrial Development Corporation of Zimbabwe, Mr. Stuart Kufeni, Chief Executive Officer of SADC-Development Finance Resource Centre, as well as other management of SADC DFIs.
In his welcome remarks Mr. Chikaura outlined the successes that the DFRC had scored in the ten years of it existence, and emphasised its continuing relevance to the development finance agenda of the region in the future. Read more.
Mr. Mupamhanga emphasised the importance that the government of Zimbabwe placed in development finance, and its inclusive approach to the development in the country which embraced infrastructure development, commercial and industrial development, agriculture and small and medium sized enterprises.
He also reiterated the government’s commitment to the ideals of SADC within the framework